How to Improve Thick Yellow Toenails

Today you will witness the power of conservative pedicure care to improve comfort and reverse unwanted toenail appearances. You will see four of the toenails on her left foot are just about back to normal with the right care and techniques. 

This is the 4th visit for this client. She wasn’t able to sleep on her stomach in the past because her toes hurt so bad, but now she can, and she is so happy! We’re going to get lots of build-up from under and around the big toe.

If you have issues with only your big toenail and your pinky toenail, take a look at your shoes and make sure they aren’t too tight. When your shoes are too tight, the toenail is pressed into the nail bed. The pressure causes your body to go into protection mode and start creating layers of cells for padding, so check your shoe size. 


Thick Toenails: Pedicure Tips and Conservative Care


Ingrown Toenail Recovery and Prevention